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• DJ

Class Of 2004 - The Megamix
What a year! 2004 was a milestone year. Martha Stewart went to prison, and 7th Heaven, Gilmore Girls and Friends kept us glued to our...

IPAddressField for Xojo
IPAddressField is my first user-control for Xojo. It's an input box that allows your user to specify an IP address. It enforces valid IP...

Madonna - Who's That Girl (Christian Wheel Remix)
From the soundtrack to the 1987 movie "Who's That Girl," the title track ended up being a bigger hit than the movie!

Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian (Christian Wheel Remix)
This was the Bangles' biggest hit, but one of the few songs they had no hand in writing. Still really catchy though! This has always been...

Maurice White Tribute Mix
Maurice White, along with the band he founded, Earth Wind & Fire, sold over 90 million albums and had some of the most memorable funk/R&B...
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